How to Record Animal Treatments in the FarmWizard App
How to Record Animal Treatments in the FarmWizard App
In this video we look at how to record animal treatments in the Farmwizard app. The first thing to remember; you will need to enter the farm medicine stocks, the contents of the farm medicine cupboard, in the desktop Farmwizard version, under the Vet centre you have add new medicine. You can add the medicine from the moment it arrives on the farm. The system will then make that medicine available to you on the app. What we are looking at today is how to assign a treatment to individual animals.
Let’s start. Go into the Treatment Screen. At the top you will see ‘start reading tags’ where you can scan in the animals that will be treated or below that you have the manual search. Handy for when you are in the field with your phone and spot an animal to be treated but don’t have your stick reader with you. You simply press on ‘manual search’ option to bring up the animal without needing to scan in the EID tag. You simply type in part of the ear tag number and the App will bring up all those animals matching or you can press the button and it will return a drop down with all the animals in the flock – which can be a bit cumbersome but it will work. Or you can record the treatment of multiple animals through the batch scan method.

How to Record Animal Treatments in the FarmWizard App
This video shows you how to record animal treatments in batch through the scan reader, the method of recording the treatments is the same for individual animals you process through the manual option.
On the screen you will see the list of medicines, previously entered via the desktop version of FarmWizard. This will show on your App after a synchronisation. You will see the batch number, the expiry date, the medicine name and the amount that is left in stock. Select the medicine you require. You will see there is another field, medicine 2 so you can select a second medicine type should you be treating with more than one medicine. You can enter your administrator here, if the administrator is not on the list you can select ‘other, enter value’ and type in the new name.
Next we need to select the treatment reason, if the reason is different from the ones previously used then you can select ‘other, enter value’ here too. The new entry will be available in future from the dropdown selection list. You can then specify the treatment date and the date the treatment finished and the dosage amount for medicine 1 and medicine 2 – these values are per animal. You can also record any non-drug treatments given in the activity section and you have the ability to record any notes in the notes field. Once this is completed we are ready to ‘start reading tags’.

How to Record Animal Treatments in the FarmWizard App
Once you have powered on your stick reader, press on ‘start reading tags’ at the top of the screen and scan in the animals to be treated. Should you scan an animal by mistake there is a delete button you can use to remove the record from this treatment. Once you have finished scanning your animals you will see the full list at the bottom of the screen. Once happy with the animals scanned in press ‘volume down’ and select OK save the animals treated before moving on to treat the rest of your flock. You will have a successful message which will tell you the treatment has been recorded and will be transferred at the next synchronisation. You will be able to see this under the pending events list. It is good practice to synchronise on a regular basis, once you return within range of wi-fi it is advisable to synchronise.
We hope you found this how to guide useful – if you have further queries regarding the use of the FarmWizard App you can get in touch call 01536 443300 or email
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